Rainbow Bouquet | White Wrap
Rainbow Bouquet | White Wrap
- Rainbow Bouquet Seems different from the name, Baby Roses colors always means something deep imagine a lot of colors in one batch.
Pink Roses is Gratitude and Admiration. They’re the perfect choice for the people you appreciate most - Yellow roses is Warmth and Happiness. This comes as no surprise as their bright, sunny colour can instantly put a smile on anyone's face!
Orange Roses is gratitude. But, they can also mean sincerity and genuineness of your feelings. So, if you’re looking for a thank you gift, then look no further! Purple Roses symbolise enchantment and love at first sight. Because these roses are so hard to come by.
Bouquet Includes:
- Pink Baby Rose: 10
- Purple Baby Rose: 10
- Orange Baby Rose: 10
- Yellow Baby Rose: 10
- White Wrapping Paper
- Model: 040
440 MAD
H.T : 440 MAD